May 28, 2015 1 min read
Are you a wannabe Derby guy or girl who wants to learn how to skate like a boss and nail the required skills before you try out?
Skatescool have teamed up with Murder City Roller Girls (MCRG) to ensure we make you the best skater we possibly can. We believe you will have a much better chance at being an amazing derby player if you have the basics down before you start your derby training. Derby is a really intensive program with lots of rules and tactics to remember while being challenged physically and mentally. If you already are super confident on your feet you are way ahead of the pack.
MCRG Fresh Meat is running in October so that means you only have months to get your basics and advanced skating skills. Join a skatercise program today and mention you want to train to be a freshie.
Any questions please call Kerryn on 0403 223 177.